A teething baby, light sleeping older siblings, and thin walls has meant we have been getting very little sleep around these parts. I count myself very blessed that this is my biggest problem, but if I can be honest, I am so tired, it's not even funny!
Exhaustion would be a step up from how my husband and I feel. Again, I'm not complaining, especially since one week ago a fussing child was what saved us all from a potential house fire, I'm just stating fact. We are beyond tired.
Since we've been so tired, discouragement has been close at our heels. It just feels like we can't do it. It's just too hard to be parents when you're this exhausted.
This excerpt from Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson's book Desperate puts into words the truth behind my weariness.
"Satan knows that the righteousness and faith of the next generation are in the hands of parents, and particularly the moms, who interact with their children every hour of the day.
Satan would love for us to think our labor is in vain and ineffective, and that we are not adequate for the task."
Satan would love for us to think our labor is in vain and ineffective, and that we are not adequate for the task."
We all know who Paul is right? You know the one I'm talking about, the apostle, author of a huge portion of the new testament, church planter, evangelist, martyr and tent-maker.
Well that very same Paul who was able to accomplish so much for Christ, wasn't doing it on his own. I read these words yesterday in the book of Ephesians and they were water to my weary soul.
"Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen." Ephesians 3:20-21
We are inadequate as parents, spouses, friends, ministry workers, teachers, soul winners and anything else we are called to do. My weariness if it has taught me anything is that I can't do this on my own. It is the power of Christ that works within us, and He is the one to receive all the glory when our work is complete.
I am very much hoping the kids get a good night sleep tonight, but if they don't I know strength will be waiting for me in the morning.