Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Family Devotions At Christmas

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For the next few posts I'm going to be sharing some ways to share Christ with your family this Christmas. It contains tips on having special family devotional or reading time, and I'll be pulling some seasonal readings together as well.

There are few things that will bring a family together like prayer and devotion, if it’s not a habit in your home already the Christmas season is the perfect time to start. It is a wonderful way for everyone in the house, not just the kids, to focus on Jesus in an otherwise busy and overwhelming time of year.

The commercialization of Christmas makes it imperative that we direct our hearts to the Savior on a daily basis. But can I be honest with you for a moment? I love the commercialization of Christmas! I love the radio stations that just play Christmas tunes starting in November, I love the decorations in stores that go up before Thanksgiving, and I absolutely LOVE all the cartoon Christmas specials. I love spoiling my family with gifts I’ve been buying for them throughout the year, and I love seeing my kids get excited about their toys on Christmas morning.

 Yes I love the commercialization of Christmas, but there is another part of Christmas I love too. I love the Savior part of Christmas. I love singing carols in church, I love playing Christmas hymns for my family on our piano, I love the kids’ Christmas Pageant, and I love the quiet moments I am able to spend by the light of our tree simply thanking God for the amazing gift of His son in Flesh.

 The commercialization aspect of Christmas is fun, but the Savior part of Christmas is most precious to me, and sharing the Savior part of Christmas with my children most important.

Short of banning all gift giving and celebration in your home, chances are your children will be eager for the Christmas parties and the presents that they bring. Is it wrong for kids to get excited about presents? Of course not, and let’s be honest that’s why most children, and adults for that matter, look forward to December 25th.

 The commercialization of Christmas isn't going anywhere; it’s as much part of the season in this culture as the baby in the manger. The challenge for the Christian is getting our family’s to focus on the baby while there is so much other excitement going on.

 What grieves my heart isn’t the commercialization of Christmas, it’s the person who doesn't know the truth about Christmas. The joy of the Savior and the salvation he brings with Him will last year round, but the tinsel gets thrown away and the lights get taken down after December is over. Gifts will break, and family will return home. The commercialization of Christmas is fun, but it only leads to despair without the Savior that we celebrate.

We needn’t feel guilty about our children getting excited about presents, decorations, and parties, it’s going to happen! The joy of the Christmas season is the moments that allow you to share the truth of Jesus with your family in a way they’ll treasure for a lifetime.

So when Christmas morning comes around and your children are leaping out of bed at 5:30 a.m. to open their stockings, will you be content knowing you've spent the rest of December pointing your children to Christ?  Will your children and family have joy in their heart long after the tinsel is taken down?

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