Thursday, November 29, 2012

Christmas Won't Be Perfect

I should have a board on my Pintrest page called "Things I Would Do If I Was Super Mom."  Come to think of it next time I'm on my Pintrest page I think I'll probably make one.  Isn't it funny though the amount of guilt we women put on ourselves when we don't measure up to our Pintrest boards, or June Cleaver (who didn't have the best home-life in real life mind you.)

Christmas time is even worse for self-imposed guilt! We try to make the perfect meals, we try to make or buy the perfect gifts, we try to clean the house perfectly, and we try to select the perfect decorations.  We try to make everything perfect just so we can have that one perfect moment.

A trio of young children carefull hang their stockings by the chimney.Oh that coveted perfected moment, when the kids are blissfully happy by the light of the tree and they somehow realize the true meaning of Christmas.  That perfect moment when relatives who spend the rest of the year bad mouthing each other will enjoy the perfect meal you've repaired.  That perfect moment where everyone feels like they've just been part of a television special.

I hate to break it to you, but Christmas Won't Be Perfect. There will be messes, there will be tantrums (from both children and adults), there will be meal fiascoes, and there will be disappointment.

Isn't wonderful to know though, that there is one perfect aspect of Christmas.  There was nothing more perfect or ever will be as perfect as that baby in a manger.  Any Christmas moment that shares the message of Jesus is special.  Take time this Christmas to point your family to the Perfect One at every opportunity you get.

When you point loved ones to Jesus your Christmas will be more perfect than any imagined (or pinned) fantasy Christmas ever could be.  Take many small moments between now and Christmas to meet Jesus, and those moments will be truly perfect.

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