Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Blogger You Need a Vacation! (With Encourage My Heart Link Party)

I read a fabulous post last week by Courtney from Women Living Well over at the Allume Blog.  Her post entitled "My Journey to 5000 Followers" really inspired me.  In it she writes some absolutely FABULOUS tips on growing your blog based on what she did.

Her best tip though in my opinion is posting something 5 TIMES a week, no matter WHAT.  I completely agree with her, and have noticed in my own blog, the months when I am very consistent in my blogging my numbers are consistently higher.

I love blogging, I love writing, but occasionally everyone needs a bit of a vacation, that's where my blogger vacation package comes in.

If you'd like to take a break from blogging for one or two days let me do a Guest post for you.  You select the topic, and I write.  Not only will you have the benefit of new traffic from my website, but you can soak your toes, do dishes, play with your kids, or whatever.

Let me give you a vacation. And if you want to return the favor I'll let you guest post on my blog as well.

So if you'd like to have a little bit of a vacation Contact me.

Now for the link up party : )  There have been some spammy things going around some link up parties I frequent so once again I'm moderating.  I will check frequently though I promise.

Will you learn along with me? Let's encourage one another.
I'd love for you to sign up for e-mail updates or follow me on Facebook.
And to see the lovely places where I link click here.  
