Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Living Philippians 2:3, Esteeming Others Higher

How Phillipians 2:2-4 looks for each member of your family

 2Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love,
 being of one accord, of one mind.
 3Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory;
but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. 
 4Look not every man on his own things,
but every man also on the things of others.

The Dog: He does not have a hard time with this scripture at all, he thinks his family is amazing.  He has no problem with eating after your family has a big meal. (although he certainly wouldn't be upset if you invited him to the table) He loves each and every member of the family and would leap to your rescue if needed (or hide behind your legs, but only because he thinks you could handle the problem better than him)

The Cat: Has a very hard time with this scripture, don't bother trying to teach her.

(now I'll be serious)

Your Children:  Yes kids think they're the center of their own universe and I'm certainly no parenting expert, however beyond just disciplining them here are some practical teaching moments to apply this scripture:
  • Forced Sharing/Taking Turns (we're working on this one right now)
  • Helping with family chores
  • Giving gifts
  • Being patient and waiting their turn
  • Donating money/toys
  • Helping feed/clean younger family members or pets
  • Making a meal or card for someone who would appreciate it
  • (Leave a comment with your additional ideas)
Your Husband: Although it probably isn't wise to tell your husband what to do, chances are he greatly esteems you and your children highly.  I realize not everyone is so fortunate to have the world's best husband, however I truly believe when we look for good we will find it.  (If you can't  pray and God will reveal it if it's there)  Here are some ways he probably shows it (or at least how my husband shows it)
  • He shovels your walk and clears your car
  • He goes to work, even when ill to earn money for the family
  • He leaves  you the last cup of coffee/ buys your favorite roast even though he's not a huge fan
  • He buys you flowers, even though to a man they are the world's most impractical gift
  • (Leave a comment letting me know how your husband esteems you higher than himself)
How we as homemakers can esteem our family higher that ourselves:
  • In every chore we do, we can do it with joy.  We're serving our family the one's we love the most, picking up dirty socks shouldn't become annoying and put us in a foul mood, we're doing what God intends us to.
  • Realizing we are in need of God's grace just as much as any of our family.  It's so easy to let a sin of our husband or children get under our skin and start thinking ourselves better than them, but truly we are all saved by the same grace and we were all just as guilty in God's eyes.
  •  We can make a favorite meal even if it means a little more work.
  • We can do our hair and dress in a way our husband likes.
  • We can live every moment to serve our family with joy, because by doing this we serve God.
These are by no means exhaustive lists, just my random thoughts, but I'd love to hear other ideas, so be sure to leave a comment, and subscribe if you haven't already.


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