Sunday, September 26, 2010

Musical Thoughts

Last night my littlest was fussing so I just opened up the hymnal and started singing to her. I also finished writing out our church music schedule for the next 2 months. Needless to say I have a lot of songs running through my head this morning.
This morning at church we're singing:

I will sing of my Redeemer- This song was the last hymn of PP Bliss. It was found in his belongings after a train wreck that took both he and his wife's life. PP Bliss initially escaped the wreckage but went back in for his wife saying "If I can't save her I will perish with her."

Redeemed- I had forgotten how much I love this song. The lyrics not only speak of God's saving power but also have so many veiled references to Fanny Crosby's life as well. My favorite verse is " I sing for I cannot be silent, His love is the theme of my song!"

In Christ Alone- God bless the Getty's, they wrote this song because they desired to write modern hymns. This song literally takes you through the life of Christ in 3 stanzas. It's fabulous and another one of my favorites. I have to pace myself or we might be singing this one every week.

God Bless, enjoy Church today.

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