Monday, June 13, 2011

Everything But God....

"Everything But God is Merely a desire"

I can't remember who was speaking on the radio when I heard that quote, but it's stuck with me ever since.  My husband and I are attempting to put another purchase agreement on house number 2, and there is such of level of anxiousness in our house right now.  Even our kids are picking up on it. 

Will they accept our offer?  Will we still be able to afford the renovations needed if they don't?  Are we mis-reading God's direction if they've already accepted someone elses offer?  Will we get in a bidding war with someone?  Will an inspector find something absolutely horrible?  How long until we can actually get moved?  Will it be before the baby comes, or will my husband be schlepping boxes to a new home while I'm in labor?

And the biggest question of all:
Are we making the right decision, on a home, on moving?

Oy, talk about your migraine (which thankfully I don't get).  The fact of the matter is that for every question that is swirling around my brain there is a more important question I already have the answer to, I know where I'm going to spend eternity.

I have already chosen Christ, therefore everything else in this life pales in comparison.  The most important decision that I needed to make in my life, I've already made, and everything else is just a want.

In the grand scheme of things where I'm going to spend my eternity is far more important than where I'll be spending the next few years of my life.  It's far more important for me to share my faith, than to worry about escrow, and interest rates. 

The anxiety in my heart is for nothing, and does absolutely no go in the short term, or long term. These decisions will be made, we'll move into the right home in God's timing, and ultimately I have a peace that passes all understanding.

Are you looking for peace

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