Friday, November 26, 2010

Still Thankful

1 Thessalonians 5:18 
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

I was so grateful for Courtney's, at Women Living Well, blog post yesterday.  Be sure to read it if you haven't yet, it's definitely a blessing.

Amid trying to get our side dishes and dessert ready yesterday for my family's Thanksgiving I realized something.  I'm thankful.  This may seem like a silly statement but for the past few weeks I've been waiting for some huge wave of gratitude to wash over me as I become blissfully thankful for everything in my surroundings and life.  I've truly been worried that I haven't been thankful for the blessings God has given my family, and concerned that I'm not content enough with my life.  I've even been praying for God to reveal any sin that might be preventing me from being thankful enough.

The fact of the matter is I'm not deliriously happy, but I'm certainly joyful; I'm not pleased as punch about every situation in my family's lives, but I am thankful for what God has provided; I'm not stress and worry free when it comes to our needs, but I do have faith that God will meet them.  Too often we wait for a big spiritual moment, when God has already been working in our lives.  For this past month I've been putting so much pressure on having a grateful attitude I began becoming discontent in my perceived lack of thankfulness. 

I set the bar far too high in my mind.  I pictured once my spirit was "right" my house would seem nicer, my children more precious, and my husband dearer.  The fact is my home is nice, my children are precious and my husband is dear, but not perfect.  I was expecting myself to be thankful for things that just aren't there. 

This world is flawed by sin, we certainly don't have to be thankful for that, but we can be thankful for God's promise of a new world.  My family's home is in need of some repairs in various places, I don't think I need to be thankful for that, but I can be thankful that if it needs to be repaired I know God will provide a way.  I don't have to be thankful for the trials my family goes through but I can be thankful for the patience that will come from them.  God didn't design sin, therefore I don't think we need to be thankful for everything in this world, but when the Bible tells us to give thanks in everything, it's so that we can thank God for the good that will come out of every situation. (Romans 8:28)

I never had that perfect "Thanksgiving" moment yesterday, as a matter of fact I was in a different room putting my little one down for a nap when everyone gave thanks; but that's OK no holiday is perfect.  I'm thankful to my Lord and Savior for so many things, and I finally realize it's needn't be a contest with myself to see how many things I'm thankful for, just gratitude for my salvation and all of God's other blessings.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading this...You know for whatever we are thankful for...There is always people with less than us. i try to remember this when i want to complain...This year i am grateful to have a warm house because i can pay the electricity bill :)
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